David Woodward, USA
Creation Date
Scale and Size
Original art scale: Not known
Original art size: 97.39 × 114.92 cm
Cropped digital art size: 102.89 × 118.42 cm at 250 DPI,
10,127 × 11,656 pixels
Terms of Use
No use restrictions. The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents holds the copyright on the work. They generally defer to the originating unit within the university as far as permissions go, in this case the UW Cartography Lab. The Cartography Lab enthusiastically grants its permission for people to download and make use of this map in their own projects. As a courtesy when using the relief please cite David Woodward as the source.
None. Although Woodward compiled the map from USGS topographic sheets, the projection of the final composite relief is not known. However, map lines in the UTM projection, Zone 16, NAD27 datum with counterclockwise rotation fit the relief reasonably well.
Release Date
February 2011
Additional Information
According to the Wisconsin Mapping Bulletin (1991), Woodward did this relief in the summer of 1969, while trying to finish up his dissertation. It was commissioned by the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, and was first published in 1971. The Bulletin states "The production process for the original artwork took one month to complete, including the gathering of source material. Woodward used geologic and soils maps as guides, but his main source was the USGS 1:250,000 topographic series. It is interesting to note that the drumlins of southeastern Wisconsin are exaggerated with respect to the rest of the map. For these features, the 1:62,500 USGS topographic quadrangle series was used to capture more detail. The shaded relief was done in charcoal, and simulates a light source from the northwest."